Industri Microstock sebagai Peluang Peningkatan Ekonomi Kreatif di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

  • Tegar Insani Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Azhar Fadholi Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Ircham Mutaqin Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Raihan Zein Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Dhanar Intan Surya Saputra Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
Abstract views: 868 , PDF downloads: 756
Keywords: Covid-19, Virus Corona, Work From Home, Microstock, Creative Economics



Objektif. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini membawa dampak diberbagai sektor kehidupan masyarakat, seperti Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Sosial, Budaya, hingga Pemerintahan dan banyak sektor lainnya. Dampak corona terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di Indonesia sangat signifikan. Pemerintah mengeluarkan berbagai macam kebijakan untuk dapat menekan penyebaran virus ini, seperti adanya kebijakan bekerja dari rumah (work from home), belajar dari rumah (study from home) dan beribadah di rumah, hingga adanya kebijakan isolasi, karantina dan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Melihat berbagai macam dampak negative tersebut, tentu saja kita sebagai masyarakat berpendidikan perlu melihat adanya peluang yang mucul dari sisi dampak positif. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, tindakan pengamatan dan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui peluang dalam peningkatan ekonomi kreatif di tengah pandemi Covid-19.

Material and Metode. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya peluang tentang peningkatan ekonomi kreatif di tengah pandemi Covid-19 ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi dan in depth interview kepada para pelaku sektor ekonomi kreatif pada sub sektor Film, Animasi, dan Video; Fotografi; dan Desain Komunikasi Visual.

Hasil. Salah satu sektor riil yang sangat layak menjadi prioritas peningkatan dan peluang di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yaitu ekonomi kreatif. Berbeda dengan sektor ekonomi lainnya yang sangat tergantung pada eksploitasi sumber daya alam, kekuatan ekonomi kreatif lebih bertumpu kepada keunggulan sumber daya manusia. Hasil penelitian menyajikan analisa masyarakat yang terdampak dan peluang positif peningkatan ekonomi melalui industri microstock.

Kesimpulan. Ada peluang yang dapat diambil untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat khususnya masyarakat dengan keahlian di bidang sektor Film, Animasi, dan Video; Fotografi; dan Desain Komunikasi Visual yaitu melalui industri microstock.


Objective. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors of community life, such as the Economy, Education, Social, Culture, to Government and many other sectors. Corona's impact on the economy of the people in Indonesia is very significant. The government issued various policies to reduce the spread of this virus, such as the policy of work from home, study from home and worshiping at home, to the policy of isolation, quarantine and large-scale social restrictions. Seeing the various negative impacts, of course we as an educated community need to see the opportunities that arise from the positive impact. Based on these reasons, the act of observation and research carried out to determine opportunities in improving the creative economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Materials and Methods. The research method used to identify opportunities for enhancing the creative economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic uses a qualitative approach through observation and in-depth interviews with actors in the creative economy sector in the Film, Animation and Video sub-sectors; Photography; and Visual Communication Design.

Results One of the real sectors that are worthy of being the priority of improvement and opportunity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is the creative economy. In contrast to other economic sectors that are highly dependent on the exploitation of natural resources, the strength of the creative economy rests more on the superiority of human resources. The results present an analysis of affected communities and positive opportunities for economic improvement through the microstock industry..

Conclusion. There are opportunities that can be taken to improve the economy of the community, especially the community with expertise in the fields of Film, Animation, and Video; Photography; and Visual Communication Design, namely through the microstock industry.


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How to Cite
Tegar Insani, Azhar Fadholi, Ircham Mutaqin, Raihan Zein, & Dhanar Intan Surya Saputra. (2020). Industri Microstock sebagai Peluang Peningkatan Ekonomi Kreatif di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19. JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia, 1(1), 46-54.