• Rosikha Ilmia Department of Public Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University
  • Nur Aini Mahmudah State Community College of Putra Sang Fajar Blitar
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Keywords: Bread, Packaging, Shelf life, Free fatty acid, Sensory evaluation


This study evaluated the effects of packaging materials (HDPE, PP, and no packaging) and storage on the physicochemical and sensory properties of fried and baked bread over six days. Moisture content increased initially, peaking on the third and fourth days, before declining, with HDPE-packaged bread exhibiting the least fluctuation and superior moisture retention (approximately 15% lower moisture loss than unpackaged bread). Free fatty acid (FFA) content, indicative of lipid oxidation, increased over time, with unpackaged fried bread showing the highest values. Sensory evaluation revealed significant differences in color, aroma, texture, and overall acceptability. Fried bread packed in PP exhibited the best texture, while baked bread packed in PP scored highest in overall acceptability. This study highlights the importance of optimized packaging materials in preserving the quality and sensory attributes of bread during storage.


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